Tuesday, April 30, 2013

FCP Reflection

From this project I managed to learn a lot of new things. Some valuable lessons that I managed to learn were that I had to be able to learn how to communicate with my partner on the wiki, secondly I learned how to use different apps when I had to do my video and lastly that I just had to role with the punches if things weren’t working out.

I think what I enjoyed mot from this project was being able to do the video. I got to learn how to use Drop Box and it’s a really helpful website that helped me be able to get a lot of my videos for my final video.

Some obstacles that I had to overcome were trying to get information up on the wiki because at first I was the only person who was contributing but then there were contributors. It was also challenging for me to try to make sense of the book but after a while I managed to be able to understand it.

Keynote repsonse

Technology tools that I used for an educational purpose would be my phone. Our digi tools class uses Twitter to be able to communicate with our teacher if she isn’t in class and we need her to answer a question for us. I use my phone to be able to communicate with others by calling or sending text messages.

Being able to collaborate with other students from different schools and cities to work on a project together was a totally new thing to do and it was a really cool thing to be able to do. This will helps us prepare for our future by us being able to contribute with other from different parts of the country which would help us out because its showing us a way that we can get work done but we don't have to be in same room exactly and it helps us be able to use technology better. I would try to stay even more connected so I could try to have better communications and try to respond as soon as I possibly could when it came to contributing on the wiki.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Digital Citizenship

 The purpose of my blog is to able to communicate my progress with my digital communications(digi tools) class.

What we learned in our first unit for our digi tools class is about your digital citizenship. Your digital citizenship is how your online behavior is and how you can use the technology now to be able to get your message across to a wider audience through social networks, but as you are able to do this you have to be able to recognize that being you have to take responsibility in what you post because online ethics is a must in the online world.

 Right now I think me and my friends are doing an okay job, of course there are the occasional slip up where we may say things when we are really upset about something/someone but at least for me as soon as I see what I've done I delete it and that makes me realize that I do have to be more careful of what I post online because it could have an effect on my future.